Gr 5-8 Sunup to Sundown: The Slave Life of Slammin' Joe

Students learn about the life of one of Washington's enslaved workers, Slammin' Joe, who dug ditches and only had time to visit his wife and children -- who worked in the fields -- during his one day off on Sunday. Slammin' Joe engages students in a dialog about the practice of slavery in early America.

Program Format:
1) Slammin' Joe introduces himself and gives an approximately 15-minute monolog about his life.
2) Students spend approximately 15 minutes asking Slammin' Joe questions about his life and slavery

Interactive Cost: $100.00

Program Length: 30 minutes

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George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate

Becca Milfeld
Po Box 110
Mount Vernon, VA  22121
United States
Phone: (703) 799-8627

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