Challenger Learning Center e-Missions

Academic year 2010-2011 is well underway and we would like you to consider how e-Missions™ can help you make this year the best yet for your students.  Please check out our growing list of e-Missions that we offer at  Each mission scenario has its own website; complete with lesson plans, materials, and information for you. 


WV Storm – (Middle School)
Hurricane Alert! - (Middle School)
CyberSurgeons- (High School)

At the Challenger Learning Center, one of our goals is to help teachers provide positive, productive, and engaging learning experiences for students.  Our e-Mission programs offer a wide range of options for teachers to help them meet learning objectives for the year.  Each e-Mission includes a wide range of prepared lesson plans aligned with state and national standards ready for you to deliver in your classroom. 

After completing a minimum number of lesson plans, your class ‘connects live’ with Mission Control at the Challenger Learning Center to help solve problems.  Your class will assemble into an Emergency Response Team made up of specialist groups to use their math, science and reading skills to help NASA solve problems.

In essence, this program equals the thrill of a field trip for your students without leaving the classroom.  We can connect with any classroom, anywhere with the use of a few computers, video conferencing equipment and internet access.  E-missions are ‘no bus, no fuss’ virtual field trips and they are great tools to expose your students to technology at the same time that you cover core math and science topics.

If you have not yet scheduled your e-Mission(s) for this year, now is the time!  Please complete and return the attached reservation form or register on-line at  I look forward to flying with you and your students this year!  Kathleen

Kathleen Frank
Assistant Director
e-Missions Programs
Challenger Learning Center
Wheeling Jesuit University
316 Washington Ave.
Wheeling, WV  26003
304-243-2495 (desk)
304-780-6614 (cell)