Gr 1-4 Abe Lincoln: Honest and Lucky

The 16th President makes a special appearance in your classroom as he tells the story of his life from childhood to death. Learn all about what made Abe so lucky and some unique educational information about this famous man. You will feel as if you just met him--and you did!

Program Format
1) Introduction in first person
2) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky as a young person
3) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky and honest as an adult
4) Historical accounts (in first person) of how Lincoln's life was lucky as President
5) Questions and wrap up

Program Length: 50 mins
Interactive Cost: $125.00

Hartley Outdoor Education Center

Andrea Loshaw
12633 Beaver Road
St. Charles, MI  48655
United States
Phone: (989) 865-6295
Fax: (989) 865-6981