Gr K-2 October discount special - Not So Scary

Join us (if you dare) as we meet some of the Zoo's "spooky species" and discover they're really not so scary after all!

Program format: 
We begin with a discussion on which animals are considered "scary" and why. We also briefly discuss Halloween and the animals associated with it.
We observe and examine different animals commonly thought of as scary and explain why this isn't necessarily so.
We conclude the program with a question and answer session.

Participants will explain the significance of Halloween and the animals associated with it.
Participants will voice their fears of certain animals, and hopefully gain an appreciation for those animals after learning more about them.
Participants will list certain animals that are commonly considered to be "scary", "dangerous", or "spooky".

Interactive Cost: $80.00

 Allison Young
1200 W Washington St
Indianapolis, IN  46222
United States
Phone: (317) 630-2044
Fax: (317) 630-5114