Gr 4-5 The Civil War Soldier: A Common Man (FREE)

Students will explore the everyday experience of a Civil War soldier, focusing on aspects of camp life such as clothing, food, and letters from home. From the perspective of those who fought, students will gain insight into the war and its consequences.This program involves the active participation of the entire class as students
  • investigate the trials and hardships of a Civil War soldier, examine similarities and differences of equipment used by the Union and Confederate soldiers
  • draw their own conclusions of what it may have been like to carry these items during the four seasons of the year without modern transportation
  • examine primary and secondary sources of objects and letters
  • discuss the effect the war had on Virginians and the country
  • explore the contributions made by women, slaves and children, whether they worked side by side with the soldiers or helped to maintain the home front while the men were away

The Civil War Soldier: A Common Man

Cost- FREE
This program will be offered Tuesday through Friday, beginning September 15, 2011. You must register at least 2 weeks before your requested date.

Virginia Historical Society

Jennifer Nesossis
428 North Boulevard
Richmond, VA 23220
United States
Phone: (804) 340-2278