Grades 3-8: Free programming from the Knife River Indian Village

Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site The national park site contains visible remnants of historic and prehistoric American Indian villages representative of the Northern Great Plains. Last occupied by the Hidatsa and Mandan in 1845, the 1800 acre unit includes a visitor center, museum, film, bookstore, a full scale furnished earthlodge, several miles of hiking trails and a full range of education programs.

The Hidatsa Earthlodge

Enter a Hidatsa earthlodge and experience Native American life as it was for centuries in villages along the Knife River. This session will be broadcast live from inside the earthlodge at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site.

Hidatsa Gardening

Hidatsa gardening was a very important activity in these plains villages. This program will inform the student about planting practices, types of vegetables planted, and the art of drying and storing the surplus in a cache pit. The prosperity of the villages due to the garden produce allowed a vast amount of trading to be conducted in this area.

The Venerable Bison

The Venerable Bison program presents insight into the various uses of the bison. Students will learn how the Native Americans relied heavily on the bison for food, clothing, shelter, tools, toys and even medicine.


Craig Hansen

Education Specialist

Knife River Indian Villages NHS

(701) 745-3300