Grades K-12: Kids Creating Community Content

The KC3 (Kids Creating Community Content) Contest provides inquisitive learners an opportunity to work within a project team, develop and fine-tune research skills, and then create an interactive videoconferencing program. Join these students as an audience. All programs will be completed by March 31.

Below are programs that still need audience sites in the areas of: 1 Special Needs Class, 4 High School, 7 Middle School, 5 Elementary


The Bridges over River Foyle Target Audience Special Needs Students Upper Primary (Grades 5-7) All pupils like using technology whether it is a camera, video or putting together a power point presentation. As part of our community links in Foyle View School, we are looking at the historical, geographical and social history of the development of the City of Derry around the location of the three bridges. Join us as we visit this distinctive landscape in our home of Northern Ireland. REGISTER for dates and times available:


Experience the Culture of the Native People of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation Target Audience Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18) The students who attend Lakeside High School on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation in Idaho would like to share some of the history of the Native Coeur d'Alene People as well as share what it is like to be a modern day student living on the Reservation. We will cover the impact of cultural interaction and the modern day Tribal Government system. We will share many of the traditional customs of the Coeur d'Alene culture as well as showcase student dancers, drummers, craftsmen, story-tellers and other customs practiced by the Native Coeur d'Alenes and their community. REGISTER for dates and times available:

Duck Hunting: Luring in the Ducks Target Audience Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18) Welcome to Sportsman's Paradise! Students in the rural Southwest Louisiana community of Lake Arthur will demonstrate the art of calling ducks. Each duck has its own distinct sound that must be imitated for a successful hunt. Also, learn about the most and least desirable places to hunt ducks in Southwest Louisiana. REGISTER for dates and times available:

Classifying Ducks and Hunting Blinds Target Audience Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18) In rural Southwest Louisiana, duck hunting is the winter sport of choice. To remain in compliance with wildlife regulations, hunters must be educated on the identifying features of various ducks. Successful hunting also depends on the type blind. Let us teach you about our winter sport. REGISTER for dates and times available:

School Transformation…Be the Buzzz Target Audience Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18) Students across Vermont are coming to understand that the first critical step in high school "transformation" is helping our school communities understand the need for change. In our KC3 project youth will lead interactive activities and dialogue addressing why change is necessary and what it might look like when a community rekindles a commitment to caring for its youth. The program will be based around engaging activities to introduce school transformation to key stakeholders in schools and provide Twinfield HS students with an opportunity to share their action research project(s). . REGISTER for dates and times available


Congaree Swamp National Park Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) South Carolina science students will research and portray a local national landmark, the Congaree Swamp National Park. Students will describe the park's history from the grassroots movement in the 1970s to preserve it; to its classification as a National Park in 2003. Students will showcase the ecosystem of the largest tract of old growth bottomland hardwood forest left in the United States. REGISTER for dates and times available:

The Tennessee Walking Horse, Ride the Glide Target Audience Grades 6 – 8 (ages 11-14) The Tennessee Walking Horse was created in the Marshall County over 100 years ago. Nowhere else in the world can you register a Tennessee Walking Horse except in Lewisburg, Tennessee. Our class will teach you about what makes this breed so versatile in the equine world and how it created industry in our community. The World Celebration is held in our neighboring Bedford County. This program will show you what makes the TWH unique and impressive. We will show you the many jobs created in the care of this horse from the ferrier to the trainer to the rider. REGISTER for dates and times available:

An Eagle in the Water Target Audience Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) Learn about one of the most harrowing experiences in US military history. Just a few days after delivering the first atomic bomb to be used in combat, a torpedo struck the USS Indianapolis on July 30th 1945, and within 12 minutes the ship sank. Only 317 men aboard survived 5 nights and 4 days in the shark invested waters of the Philippine Sea. We will have this story recounted by one of its survivors, Seaman First Class- L.D. Cox, a former student of Sidney High School. REGISTER for dates & times available:

Jim Thorpe: The World's Greatest Athlete Target Audience: Inter generational preferred Elem & Older Adults/Retirement Communities - Howe High School Broadcast Journalism students invite you to attend this special program about "the world's greatest athlete" Jim Thorpe" Born on the Sac and Fox Reservation in the Indian Territory in 1887, the story of Jim Thorpe begins with the many hardships and struggles he faced on the road to Olympic gold. This part 3 of a 3 part program will focus on Jim Thorpe's experiences as a professional athlete. This virtual field trip includes a special guest from the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Ohio. REGISTER for dates & times available:

Andrew Johnson: A Man Whose Faith in People Never Wavered Target Audience Grades 5-7 (ages 10-13) Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth President, was from our hometown in Greeneville,Tennessee. We plan to take you on a journey that covers his life and political career. We will be able to take you on a virtual tour of three of his homes, tailor shop, and burial site. Although many people only think about the President that was impeached, he is so much more! Come join us to learn about this incredible President.

Plug Pulled on Polio Target Audience Grades 6-8 (ages 11-14) What do you think it would be like to have polio? Before the time of Jonas Salk, polio was a deadly and incurable disease that ravished the globe. But in the 1950's a vaccine was created to combat this disease. Let us take you back to explore the time before and after the vaccine. REGISTER for dates and times available:

Backwoods of Alabama Target Audience Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) The beautiful, natural resources of rural Alabama often lead to interests in nature and outdoor recreation. Join this group of sixth grade boys as they describe growing up in the deep south and learning to fish and hunt at an early age! Students will share their experiences and knowledge of fishing and hunting game (deer, squirrels, and turkey). Students will provide an overview of life in rural Alabama, focusing on the natural resources that provide outdoor recreational opportunities in the community. REGISTER for dates and times available:


Shrimpy Business Target Audience Grades 2-5 (ages 7-11) What seafood can be grilled, fried, boiled, or put in sushi? Palacios is the capital shrimp port in Texas. You may not know about Palacios but your local stores do, because we are in the top ten lists of major shrimp ports of the U. S. So learn about the life cycle of this sea creature, from its birth to your plate. REGISTER for dates & times available:

Catch of the Day, Out in Matagorda Bay Target Audience Grades 2-5 (ages 7-11) Have you ever wondered what the life of a fisherman is like? In our small community in Texas, the fish and shrimp industry is important to our economy, both commercial and recreational. REGISTER for dates & times available:

Backwoods of Alabama Target Audience Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) The beautiful, natural resources of rural Alabama often lead to interests in nature and outdoor recreation. Join this group of sixth grade boys as they describe growing up in the deep south and learning to fish and hunt at an early age! Students will share their experiences and knowledge of fishing and hunting game (deer, squirrels, and turkey). Students will provide an overview of life in rural Alabama, focusing on the natural resources that provide outdoor recreational opportunities in the community. REGISTER for dates and times available:

An Eagle in the Water Target Audience Grades 4-6 (ages 9-12) Learn about one of the most harrowing experiences in US military history. Just a few days after delivering the first atomic bomb to be used in combat, a torpedo struck the USS Indianapolis on July 30th 1945, and within 12 minutes the ship sank. Only 317 men aboard survived 5 nights and 4 days in the shark invested waters of the Philippine Sea. We will have this story recounted by one of its survivors, Seaman First Class- L.D. Cox, a former student of Sidney High School. REGISTER for dates & times available:

Andrew Johnson: A Man Whose Faith in People Never Wavered Target Audience Grades 5-7 (ages 10-13) Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth President, was from our hometown in Greeneville,Tennessee. We plan to take you on a journey that covers his life and political career. We will be able to take you on a virtual tour of three of his homes, tailor shop, and burial site. Although many people only think about the President that was impeached, he is so much more! Come join us to learn about this incredible President.

Bev Mattocks

Consultant / Project Manager

Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)

Transforming Learning Through Collaborative Technologies


251 E. Ohio Street, Suite 960

Indianapolis, IN 46204

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