Grades 3-12: Programs by Philadelphia Museum of Art

American Art: 1945-1970
Students will follow the development of modern art in America during the decades following WWII. This was a time of great political, economic, and social change and the art discussed in this lesson was created as a direct response to that change.

For centuries, Greco-Roman mythology has shaped Western civilization. The effects of which resonate down through history, impacting even our vocabulary. The words echo, narcissist and odyssey all share mythological origins. Come; explore these fascinating stories of epic love, heroic sacrifice, triumph and tragedy. In this lesson we will discover mythology through art! PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of this material, images containing nudity will be shown during this lesson.

Sacred Art
Art can be a valuable resource in the study of world cultures. Functioning as a primary source, sacred art can help to illuminate a culture’s spiritual beliefs and values. With this appreciation, students can gain a fuller understanding of the specific society. This lesson explores and celebrates the art of four world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.


Lynda O'Leary
PO Box 7646
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7646
United States
Phone: (215) 684-7399
Fax: (215) 236-4063