Grades 4-12: Kurdistan

Wednesday, September 29 - “Kurdistan” (in our Windows on the World series)
   grades 4-12

Join Charmaine Jamieson as she shares a “virtual’ tour of the beautiful country of Kurdistan. The students will learn about the physical attributes and location of Kurdistan and hear about the language, clothing, houses, and food in Kurdistan.  Kurdistan is a stunning and peaceful region that has practiced democracy for over a decade, a place where the universities, markets, cafes and fair grounds buzz with progress and prosperity and where the people are sowing the seeds of a brighter future. With a population of nearly 5 million, Kurdistan is located west of the continent of Asia. The land is geographically divided between four countries: Kurdistan’s land is located on the south east of Turkey,  west of Iran, and North and south east of Iraq,  and North of Syria. The region is diverse, from hot plains to cooler mountainous areas blessed with natural springs where snow often falls in the winter.

The Kurds are the largest ethnic group without a nation of their own.  In the United States, the largest concentration of Kurds is in Nashville, Tennessee. . . the Nashville Kurdish population totals about 12,000. A very traditional people, they have established a tight-knit community and culture in Nashville, and there are over 70 Kurdish-owned businesses such as bakeries, restaurants, and dealerships. Although Kurds do live elsewhere in the United States, they often move to Nashville for the spiritual and social support that such a large community provides.

We offer two sessions for each Vanderbilt Virtual School videoconference: one session at 9:00 AM CENTRAL TIME and one session at 10:00 AM CENTRAL TIME

The cost for a videoconference session is $75. This charge covers some of our expenses in preparing your videoconference and testing and delivering your videoconference.

All videoconferences are approximately 45 minutes in length.  The format is about 25-30  minutes for the presentation and 15-20 minutes for an interactive question and answer session with the students and presenter.

WEBSITE for information and lesson plans for each videoconference topic:

See you soon at Vanderbilt Virtual School,

Patsy Partin, M.Ed
Director, Virtual School
Vanderbilt University
2007 Terrace Place
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-6384