Grades 3-12: Tour the Cape Coast Slave Dungeon in Africa by Oiada International

Experience what life was like inside the dungeon of the Cape Coast Castle. See the cramped and grotesque conditions the enslaved Africans were forced to endure before being loaded onto ships destined for the western world .Hear the stories of the horrors of what they experienced during months and years in these dungeons from some of the descendents of the enslaved Ghanaians. You will be able to ask questions during our program as learn about the Cape Coast Dungeons.

The Cape Coast Castle (dungeon as it is now called) was built principally for commercial trading purposes, initially between the "natives" (as the local people were then called) and the European traders who came to our shores. The Portuguese were the first Europeans to come to the country. They named the place they landed "Elmina" (from the Portuguese word mina, meaning a gold mine) and the country, the "Gold Coast," because of the abundance of gold dusts they found on the land.

These forts were centres for trading gold and ivory for spices and other goods. Later on, the trade of human beings took over as the primary focus of these forts until slavery was abolished.

A quote on the wall of the Cape Coast dungeon reads “In Everlasting Memory of the anguish of our ancestors. May those who died rest in peace. May those who return find their roots. May humanity never again perpetuate such injustice against humanity. We the living vow to uphold this.

On Demand
60 Minutes in Length

 Darryl Batts
191 Central Avenue
Newark, NJ  07103
United States
Phone: (973) 732-3188