Grades K-12: Schedule a Videoconference with National Archives

I would love to schedule a videoconference or several with you this year.

Please look at your schedule + your curriculum needs- and let me know.
I can do as many as three in one day or spread sessions out over several days
as needed. We can go 40 minutes or longer.

Last year I put together programs dealing with The Presidency, The Supreme Court/Landmark Decisions, the Great Depression, Civil War, World War II, Cold War, and the Vietnam War. The favorite for elementary and middle school classes was the DC Tour- which includes national symbols, creation of the capital, and a fun look at monuments, memorials, & the three branches. I can modify as needed. They are all available.

Pre-service teachers/professors- Consider booking sessions for your classes. We will introduce the National Archives, provide a look at primary sources while sharing ideas on how to utilize them in your elementary or secondary classrooms. Focus is on the
resources, teaching methods, and professional growth opportunities offered by NARA. (National Archives + Records Administration)

Remember you can go to for the Constitution workshop- analyzing documents

Go to our page to request sessions

Send me an email or give me a call. I would love to
bring primary sources in a fun & interactive way to your students or staff.
I look forward to hearing from you.
