1991 Honoree Georgia O’Keeffe

Don’t miss this great opportunity to experience a video conference that coincides with the
National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame’s groundbreaking exhibit featuring 1991 Honoree Georgia O’Keeffe…

Georgia O’Keeffe and the Faraway: Nature and Image.

Select from one of the following programs or visit www.Connect2Texas.net or www.cowgirl.net for other available programs.

O’Keeffe: The Faraway:
Students are introduced to basic art concepts while also discovering O’Keeffe’s connection to the land and the West. This program allows students to view and examine the work and techniques of one of America’s best known Modernist. This interactive program correlates with the temporary exhibit and can be adjusted to specific grade levels. Program times can be adjusted to class schedules.
How Artists See Nature:
As the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame hosts the temporary exhibit, Georgia O’Keeffe and the Faraway, the different aspects of artist interpretation of nature becomes evident. Photographers such as Ansel Adams and Elliot Porter also shared O’Keeffe’s appreciation of nature as they captured unique scenery through the camera lens instead of paint and palette. Join us as we explore how O’Keeffe and others found ways to share their work and inspiration through various forms of art mediums.

Go to Connect2Texas, www.connect2texas.net for times and availability or contact Cindi Collins, ccollins@cowgirl.net.

Cindi Collins
Director of School Services
National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame