Grades 5-8: Was Abraham Lincoln an Abolitionist?

Students use primary documents to examine Abraham Lincoln’s views on slavery. Lincoln’s early political philosophies were influenced by the slavery question, and later, his actions as a politician would tackle the question head on. Students also examine Lincoln’s personal opinions about the “peculiar institution”. From an Illinois lawyer who defended abolitionists, through his campaign debates with Stephen Douglas during their 1858 Senate race, to the 1860 Presidential election, Lincoln mirrors the evolution of the abolitionist movement in Ohio and the nation. After the program students will use the information gained to answer for themselves: was Abraham Lincoln an abolitionist?

Jennifer Minor
Western Reserve Historical Society
10825 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH  44106
United States
Phone: (216) 721-5722 ext. 251
Fax: (216) 721-0645

On Demand/By Request Only
45-60 Minutes