Grades 4-12: So You Know the Civil War?

No other period in our nation's history has captured our interest more than the events of 1861 through 1865. Although this struggle is distant in time, it is a period that is confusing and complex to understand.
As we observe the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, test your knowledge of the causes, conflicts, and consequences of this era by scheduling So You Know the Civil War.
Your students will compete against one another in our So You Know game show series as they answer questions about the people, places, and events of this War Between the States.
Demonstrate your knowledge of the Civil War by scheduling So You Know the Civil War.

Content Provider
Ohio Historical Society

Contact Information
Matt Schullek
1982 Velma Ave.
Columbus, OH 43211
United States
Phone: (800) 640-7679
Fax: (614) 298-2963

This program is available by request.
45-50 Minutes in Length

Possible categories include:
Elementary Level Categories (recommended for grades 4-6/7)
Before the War - events prior to the outbreak of the Civil War
Civil War Geography - famous places, boundaries, and geographical features of the Civil War
Civil War Battles - famous places and battles of the Civil War
Civil War Leaders - famous civilian and military leaders of the Civil War
All About Abe - questions about Abraham Lincoln
State Status - defining what states were free or slave states or territories
Picture This - analyzing Civil War era photographs/visuals
A Soldier's Life - a day in the life of a solder
Slavery - history of slavery, abolitionism and famous abolitionists
So You Know - miscellaneous Civil War facts

Middle School Categories (recommended for grades 6/7 - 8)
Before the War - events prior to the outbreak of the Civil War
Civil War Geography - famous places, boundaries, and geographical features of the Civil War
Civil War Battles - famous places and battles of the Civil War
Civil War Leaders - famous civilian and military leaders of the Civil War
All About Abe - questions about Abraham Lincoln
Timeline - organizing the events prior to, during, and after the Civil War
Picture This - analyzing Civil War era photographs/visuals
Slavery - history of slavery, abolitionism and famous abolitionists
Ohio and the Civil War - Ohio related names and places of the Civil War
So You Know - miscellaneous Civil War facts
The Aftermath - events and legislation passed after the conclusion of the Civil War

Intermediate Level Categories (recommended for grades 9 - adult)
Before the War - events prior to the outbreak of the Civil War
Civil War Geography - famous places, boundaries, and geographical features of the Civil War
Civil War Battles - famous places and battles of the Civil War
Law of the Land - pre and post Civil War legislation
All About Abe - questions about Abraham Lincoln
Timeline - organizing the events prior to, during, and after the Civil War
Picture This - analyzing Civil War era photographs/visuals
Women and the War - the role of women in the Civil War
Ohio and the Civil War - Ohio related names and places of the Civil War
So You Know - miscellaneous Civil War facts
The Aftermath - events and legislation passed after the conclusion of the Civil War