Gr 4-8: Groundhog Day: The Mystery behind the Marmot

The buck-tooth rodent at the center of so much media attention during the opening days of February bears the scientific name Marmota monax. Contrary to the pervasive myth, this large member of the squirrel family is not able to predict the arrival of an early spring. Groundhogs do, however, possess an amazing array of physical and behavioral adaptations that help them survive in habitats ranging from mature forests to hayfields. During this class-period length session students will learn about those adaptations and the role this easily observable creature plays in a wide range of ecosystems.

Fee: $125 (IP)

To schedule a program and receive pre-videoconference materials, please contact Patrick McShea (412) 622-3292 or

Or visit the website of the Center for Interactive Collaborative Learning at

and search under “Groundhog.”