Grades 3-12: An Introduction to the Hebrew Language

Program Description:

An introduction to the Hebrew language is presented in a highly interactive, student-friendly format designed to acquaint students with this ancient, yet modern language. The nearly 6,000 year history of the language, its variant scripts, dialects and sounds will be explored. Students will begin to learn how to decode written Hebrew and will be introduced to basic Hebrew vocabulary.

The presenter is a Jerusalem-based ordained rabbi with over 30 years experience as an elementary/middle school educator in the United States and Israel.

Program Format:

1) The program begins with a short history of the Hebrew language
2) Hebrew consonants and vowels will then be identified and vocalized
3) Next, different forms of Hebrew script used throughout history will be presented and compared
4) Finally, students will read and translate a selection of modern Hebrew words
5) Time will be allotted for questions and answers

Cost: $125 for a 50-minute, point-to-point videoconference, scheduled upon request.

To schedule your videoconference please contact:

Yitzchak Schwartz, M.Ed
Distance Learning Solutions LLC
972-54-830-6072 (Jerusalem Studios)