K-12: Spend Your Holidays with INFOhio!

Spend your holidays with INFOhio!
October 19, 2009 from 3:30 to 4:30

Students will use INFOhio's electronic resources to research and then collaborate by using lesson plans already created and found at Education World, Students, grades 5 - 8, should be familiar with INFOhio's electronic resources before the activity begins.

The Premise:

The U.S. Congress has decided to change the name of the holiday celebrated on the last Thursday in November. The name "thanksgiving" doesn't capture the entire spirit of the day. The holiday should be a day for more than just giving thanks. Congress has asked your class to help choose a better name.
Working in teams your class will brainstorm what Thanksgiving is all about, research customs and experiences, identify character traits that might be demonstrated in our thanksgiving practices, and choose a new name for the holiday.

The following curriculum standards are met with this activity-

Content Area: English Language Arts - Writing
Standard: 04. Research
Students define and investigate self-selected or assigned issues, topics and problems. They locate, select and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, reference and technological sources. Students use an appropriate form to communicate their findings.

Grade Band: 05-07
Benchmark: E. Communicate findings orally, visually and in writing or through multimedia.

Grade Level: Grade Six

Indicator: 08. /
Use a variety of communication techniques, including oral, visual, written or multimedia reports, to present information that supports a clear position with organized and relevant evidence about the topic or research question.

Content Area: Library
Standard: 04. Library-based Technology
Effective school library media programs provide, integrate and utilize a technology rich environment to support teaching and learning. Expanded access to information is achieved by providing cutting-edge technologies that enable the school library media center to function as a virtual gateway to information. Technology is used to acquire, organize, produce and disseminate information. Assistive technologies equalize access to information for all students. The school library media specialist provides leadership to students and staff in the use of the Internet, electronic resources and other library-based technologies.

Grade Band: K-12
Benchmark: C. Demonstrate effective usage of library-based technologies, including the Internet and other electronic resources for teaching and learning.

Grade Level: Grade Twelve

Indicator: 09. /
Facilitate linkages to and integration of state electronic resources (e.g., AreaMediaCenters, INFOhio, ODE Instructional Management System, Ohio Historical Society, OhioResourceCenter).

Content Area: Library
Standard: 06. Technology Literacy
Effective school library media programs provide technology literacy skills instruction in the use of library-based technologies. Technology literacy skills include the appropriate and ethical use of technology for information access, retrieval, production, dissemination via electronic resource networks and the Internet.

Grade Band: 6-8
Benchmark: C. Select, access and use appropriate electronic resources for a defined information need.

Grade Level: Grade Seven

Indicator: 02. /
Examine information in different types of subscription (fee-based) databases to locate information for a curricular need (e.g., online encyclopedia, online subject dictionaries, magazine index, picture archive).

To schedule this video conference, e-mail IVDLorders@laca.org with your contact information, video conference contact person, site name, IP address and troubleshooting phone number.
If there are any additional questions, please contact Trish Baker, pbaker@laca.org.