Grades 5-10: Copland and the Common Man: Abraham Lincoln

LIVE from the stage of Bass Performance Hall!
Copland and The Common Man: Abraham Lincoln
Grades 5th-10th
$150.00 per site

Aaron Copland was the quintessential American composer who captured the optimistic spirit and rhythm of his homeland in music and used it in homage to our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. We repeat what was one of our most warmly received programs of last season. Music played: “Fanfare for the Common Man,” “John Henry” and “The Lincoln Portrait,” all written by Aaron Copland.

Connections: American historical and cultural heritage and evaluation of musical elements.

Wednesday Sept. 23rd 10:15-11:15 CST

Wednesday Sept. 23rd 12:15-1:15 CST

Thursday Sept. 24th 10:15-11:15 CST

Thursday Sept. 24th 12:15-1:15 CST

Friday Sept. 25th 10:15-11:15 CST

Friday Sept. 25th 12:15-1:15 CST

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