Grades 5-12: Year-End Programming from Vanderbilt Virtual School!

FINAL VC's this semester from Vanderbilt VIRTUAL SCHOOL - April 28 - May 6, 2009


2) “Windows on the World: ITALY"



5) “Windows on the World: KURDISTAN (in northern IRAQ)"

Please see the complete schedule of all of these series plus complete lesson plans for each topic on the Virtual School website:

1) TUESDAY, April 28, 2009 - "DRESS FOR SUCCESS"
in the Career Conversations series


Join the Virtual School for this interactive videoconference session as we explore "DRESS FOR SUCCESS".

Should you be judged by what you wear? Perhaps not, but the reality is, of course, that you are judged by your appearance. Throughout the entire job-seeking process, employers use short cuts to save time. With cover letters, it is the opening paragraph and a quick scan of your qualifications. With resumes, it is a quick scan of your accomplishments. With the job interview, it is how you are dressed that sets the tone of the interview.

Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Targeted Audience: students in grades 7-12
Format: 45-minutes formatted into 30-minute presentation, and then 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email


2) WEDNESDAY, April 29, 2009- “Windows on the World : ITALY"
in the Windows on the World series


Come join this videoconference as we take a “virtual tour” of "ITALY".

Ciao!! This videoconference will spotlight the beautiful European country of Italy. Italy is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe. Italy’s capital city of Rome was once known as the center of Western Civilization. Rome is also considered the birthplace of the Baroque movement and it seats the Catholic Church.

Italy offers a vast topography with the Apennine Mountains forming its backbone and the Alps forming its northern border. In addition to Italy’s breathtaking mountains, Italy also boasts several active volcanoes including Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe; Vulcano; Stromboli and the famous Vesuvius which is the only active volcano in mainland Europe.

Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Targeted Audience: students in grades 5-12
Format: 45-minutes formatted into 30-minute presentation, and then 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email


in the Witnesses And Voices of the Holocaust series


Eric Rosenfeld knew what it meant to be isolated, persecuted, and faced with almost certain death at the hands of the Nazis. His mother’s last-ditch attempt to save the life of her son was the “Children’s Transports or Kindertransports”. Following Kristallnacht, “Night of the Broken Glass”, on November 9, 1938, groups of children were transported for sanctuary via a program called "Kindertransport." The children had to be between the ages of 3 and 17, and they had to leave Germany alone, without their parents.
Through the efforts of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society who facilitated the "Children's Transports", Eric Rosenfeld was able to immigrate to the United States in August 1941. Eric waved to his mother for the last time as she waited on the train platform; later that year, his mother was sent to the concentration camp in Auschwitz where she died.
Eric sailed with 900 other refugees on a converted 8,000 ton Portuguese coal ship, after traveling by train with seven other teenagers from Berlin to Lisbon, Portugal. This was four months BEFORE Pearl Harbor.
Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Targeted Audience: students in grades 6-12
Format: 45-minutes formatted into 30-minute presentation, and then 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email


in the Witnesses And Voices of the Holocaust series


LIFE REBORN is a videoconference that commemorates the experiences of Jewish survivors after the Holocaust. These are stories of the survivors" incredible moral strengths, fortitude, and personal determination.

This videoconference will be a reflection of human resilience after the unimaginable tragedy of the Holocaust. The story of the DP camps is the chapter of Holocaust history that celebrates the rebirth and renewal of life among the survivors in the immediate postwar years.

This story needs to be told in a study of the Holocaust. These survivors did not consider themselves as permanent victims, even though they had lost their families, their communities, their health, and their property. Somehow they understood that they had to keep going, and they did.

LIFE REBORN presenter, Felicia Anchor, was born to two Holocaust survivors within the walls of the infamous concentration camp Bergen Belsen, then a displaced persons camp under British military rule. Her family came to the United States in 1949. Anchor is now national vice president of the National Council of Jewish Women and chairs the Tennessee Holocaust Commission.

Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Targeted Audience: students in grades 6-12
Format: 45-minutes formatted into 30-minute presentation, and then 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email

5)WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2009-“Windows on the World: KURDISTAN (in northern IRAQ)"
in the Windows on the World series


Come join this videoconference as we take a “virtual tour” of "KURDISTAN".

KURDISTAN as a country on a map was erased from the world's maps after World War I when the Allied Powers carved up the Middle East and denied the Kurds a nation-state. More than twenty million Kurds live in parts of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. Throughout the 20th century their struggles for political and cultural autonomy were opposed by the region's countries, and the Kurds were often used as pawns in regional politics.

A largely Sunni Muslim people with their own language and culture, most Kurds live in the generally contiguous areas of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Syria – a mountainous region of southwest Asia generally known as Kurdistan ("Land of the Kurds"). The Kurds have been subjugated by neighboring peoples for most of their history. In modern times, Kurds have tried to set up independent states in Iran, Iraq and Turkey, but their efforts have been crushed every time. After centuries of invaders, the Kurdish people remain unconquered and unassimilated. The geopolitics of the oil and water rich region inhabited by Kurds keeps the fractionalized countries constantly in ethnic conflict. Kurdistan, "the land of Kurds", is an extensive plateau and mountainous area in the Middle East, inhabited mainly by Kurds and encompasses the Zagros and the eastern Taurus mountain ranges.

Time: 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Targeted Audience: students in grades 5-12
Format: 45-minutes formatted into 30-minute presentation, and then 15-20 minute Q & A
Cost: $75 per site
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email



Archived Streaming is “on demand” any day and any time of the day!

We hope to see you soon in the Virtual School !!

Patsy Partin, M.Ed
Director, Virtual School
Vanderbilt University
2007 Terrace Place
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-6384