Grades K-12: Upcoming Programs from COSI Columbus

These programs have been selling very quickly, so sign up soon before all of the programs are full!

Below are 3 announcements about program availability:

1. In Depth: Autopsy Openings
2. Upcoming Elementary Experts
3. Upcoming High School Experts

*****In Depth: Autopsy Openings*******

We currently have a couple openings for our upcoming In Depth: Autopsy program on:
Tuesday, March 10th @ 1:30pm ETFriday, March 20th @ 9:00am ET, 1:30pm ETFriday, May 22nd @ 9:00am ET

For more information on the Autopsy Program please visit our website at To make a reservation for this program please visit our online registration site at

*********Upcoming Elementary Experts*********

The following conferences are part of the COSI Expert program. These 60 minute sessions connect your elementary students with a COSI expert for a 30-40 minute presentation with hands-on experiments and demonstrations followed by a learner led question and answer session. For further information on these events, please see our web site:

To make a reservation for the program, please see our web site at:

ELEMENTARY: Sound Science
4/1/09 at 1:00pm ET

*********Upcoming High School Experts*********

The following conferences are part of the COSI Expert program. These 60 minute sessions connect experts in science and technology with middle and high school students for a 20-30 minute presentation followed by a learner led question and answer session. For further information on these events, please see our web site:

To make a reservation for the program, please see our web site at:

Forensics: Latent Prints
3/18/09 at 1:00PM ET

Black Holes
3/24/09 at 1:00PM ET

Space Cowboys: What it Takes to Put a Man in Space
3/30/09 at 1:30PM ET

Gene Therapy for Diseases of the Nervous System
4/6/09 at 11:00AM ET

Polar Research and Climate Change
4/13/09 at 11:00AM ET

Entomology: Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite
4/15/09 at 1:00PM ET

Biomechanical Engineering and Sports Injury Prevention and Recovery
4/20/09 at 9:00AM ET

**NEW** Logistical Geography: Where to Put It and How to Get It There Fast
4/24/09 at 9:00AM ET

**NEW** The Electromagnetic Waves of the Cell and Wireless World
4/24/09 at 1:00PM ET

Genetic Counseling: The Faces of Genetic Disease
4/27/09 at 1:00PM ET

Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
4/30/09 at 1:00PM ET

**NEW** Renewable Energy
5/4/09 at 9:00AM ET

Nutrition: Portion Distortion in the American Diet
5/4/09 at 11:00AM ET

Imaging Single Atoms and Molecules with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
5/7/09 at 9:00AM ET

Computers Working at the Speed of Light
5/7/09 at 11:00AM ET

Gaining Muscle Mass
5/11/09 at 11:00AM ET