Grades 7-12: Green Architecture - What Really Makes a Building "Green"

The following reduced cost conference is part of the COSI Expert series. These 60 minute sessions connect experts in science and technology with middle and high school students for a 20-30 minute presentation followed by a learner led question and answer session. For further information on this and our other Expert session, please see our web site:

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In order to receive your discount for the program noted below, please put "LISTSERV $85", in the "other information" section on the reservation in our online reservation system for our programs. If this is not indicated on the reservation no discount will be applied.

Green Architecture - What Really Makes a Building "Green"

Green Architecture is quickly becoming one of the most popular approaches to designing and constructing buildings. This shift in thinking is being driven primarily by the emergence of two important global issues: climatic change due to atmospheric pollution, and fossil fuel depletion, among a variety of other environmental concerns. The green architectural movement has gained momentum recently due to the US Green Building Councils efforts in formalizing a way of measuring the quality of green buildings and more clearly defining the components that make a building green. This qualification process is known as LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Eric Elizondo will discuss what really makes a building green. Eric will show how an existing home can be modified to make the home more comfortable and efficient, while having fewer negative impacts on the environment. For additional information concerning Mr. Elizondos work, please visit the Ecostudio website at

Jessica Teng
Video Conferencing Coordinator
COSI Columbus
614-228-2674 ext. 2155