Grades 3-12: From Sap to Syrup: Wisconsin Maple Syrup Season

Program Flyer: From Sap to Syrup: Wisconsin Maple Syrup Season
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CESA 7 Interactive Learning Services
Theresa Neuser
UWGB IS 1040
2420 Nicolet Dr
Green Bay, WI 54311
United States
Phone: (920) 465-5216
Fax: (920) 465-2723
Education: Grade(s): 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Unique to Wisconsin, the Northeastern United States, and Canada, maple syrup-making involves the use of sugar and black maple tree sap to produce a delicious liquid product. During this program, students will observe and interact with the staff of an environmental science facility (Fallen Timbers Environmental Center, located in Seymour, WI) selecting and tapping trees, gathering sap and producing syrup in the Cartier Outdoor Classroom Maple Syrup Cabin. “Nips” of maple syrup will be shipped to all schools so students can taste and, if schools wish to tap their own trees, several hooks and spiles will be included. The price of these is included in the cost of the program. Short bio of presenter:Libby Dorn has been the director of Fallen Timbers Environmental Center, Seymour, Wisconsin, for the past 22 years. Fallen Timbers is owned by six school districts, and serves approximately 20,000 Northeast Wisconsin students annually. With a Masters in Education emphasizing environmental science, Libby loves to enthuse and engage learners in the outdoor environment.
45 minutes (can be adjusted if necessary)
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Interactive Cost: $125.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $125.00
We will not charge for programs canceled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.
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This update is from the Center for Interactive Learning & Collaboration (CILC)