Grades 4-12: The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory

The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory
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The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory
peter robson/BUBL Project
15 Linden Park
Rochester, NY 14625
United States
Phone: (585) 473-7112

Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parent, YMCA/YWCA, Content Providers: Content Providers
Best Practice, Career Education, Community Interests, Health/Physical Education, International, Mathematics, Problem Solving, Sciences, Technology/Information Science, Technology Education
Creating a School/Community Partnership (Vista), Family & Consumer Science, International, Social Studies/History, Special Needs, Technology/Information Science, Technology Education
The Bathysphere Underwater Biological Laboratory or BUBL™ Project, is a state-of-the-art virtual underwater laboratory. This is the only facility of its kind in the entire country. This experience introduces you to various career fields, such as, Communications, Navigation/Weather, Biology, Chemistry, Archeology, Remote Sensing and Geology.
This program is an interactive conversation style conference. Information is presented, discussed and follow-up questions by students are encouraged. Lab activities are completed during the conference and application to real-world experiences are made.
60 minutes or more depending on desired content
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Direct connections to the laboratory are scheduled upon request. The "live" underwater conferences take several weeks to coordinate and must be scheduled well in advance of actual desired date.
Interactive Cost: $235.00Interactive Cost with Premium Service: $220.00 What's this?View Only Cost: $180.00View Only Cost with Premium Service: $165.00 What's this?Point to Point Cost: $235.00Point to Point Cost with Premium Service: $220.00 What's this?By Request/On Demand Cost: $265.00By Request/On Demand Cost with Premium Service: $250.00 What's this?
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!
Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Fees and payments are collected using Purchase Orders or please contact directly for further billing instructions. BOCES is a non-profit cooperative educational service with Monroe County in Rochester, New York.
We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.
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