Grades 7-12: Study Smarter with Your iPod & iTunes

November 19
Study Smarter with Your iPod & iTunes

Offered twice, 10:00 - 10:50 and 1:00 - 1:50 Subject area: Technology Integration and Study Skills Grade level: 7-12

Review class content anytime, anywhere by putting it on your iPod! Learn how to create and manage class notes on this useful handheld device. Students will also learn about accessory recorders for the iPod, making mobile recording practical and easy. Features discussed are not compatible with the iPod Shuffle.

1. Questions? Contact Bob Stricker at or 937-746-6333.

2. Cost: each session is $50.

3. Click here for the Registration Form.

4. For more information and listing of Ohio Academic Content Standards, click here.

5. Want to place a test call to SOITA? Dial