Grades K-2: Author Visit and Eggs-periments Videoconferences with Amy E. Sklansky

Author Visit and Eggs-periments Videoconferences with Amy E. Sklansky
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Content Provider
Cooperating School Districts New Links to New Learning
Contact Information
Rebecca Morrison
Cooperating School Districts
1460 Craig Road
St. Louis, MO 63146
United States
Phone: (314) 692-1274
Fax: (314) 872-9128

Program Type
Individual Program

Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.

Target Audience
Education: Kindergarten, Grade(s): 1, 2, Public Library: Library Patrons

Primary Disciplines
Language Arts/English, Sciences

Secondary Disciplines
Art, Communication

Program Description
St. Louis author, Amy E. Sklansky, has written five picture books, including the nonfiction picture book, Where Do Chicks Come From? This book, part of the well-respected Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science series, explains what happens inside an egg from fertilization through hatching. Using visuals in a highly interactive videoconference session, Amy outlines various stages of writing the book — research, revisions, artist’s sketches, etc. Student questions are encouraged.

Program Format
After reading her book, Amy will also lead several hands-on eggs-periments while 1st & 2nd grade teachers do the same in their own classrooms with their own eggs. (Kindergarten classes will not use hands-on materials at their site, but rather watch Amy do the eggs-periments on camera). Amy and her class(es) will crack open an egg and identify its parts. Then Amy will incorporate terms from the scientific method, such as hypothesis, prediction, experiment, and data, as she and the classroom teachers lead students in two hands-on experiments exploring the properties of eggs. First, students will compare the properties of a ball and an egg before rolling them across a flat surface to test their hypothesis regarding the way an egg will roll. Second, students will pile several heavy books or other objects on top of two or three eggs to test their hypothesis regarding the strength of an egg.

The participant will:- engage in a discussion about the scientific method- develop an appreciation for the creative writing process

National Standards to which this program aligns
NationalNS.K-12.4 Language ArtsStudents adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.NS.K-12.5 Language ArtsStudents employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.NS.K-12.6 Language Arts. Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.NS.K-12.8 Language ArtsStudents use a variety of technological and informational resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.NS.K-12.12 Language ArtsStudents use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).

State Standards to which this program aligns
MissouriCommunication ArtsIn Communication Arts, students in Missouri public schools will acquire a solid foundation which includes knowledge of and proficiency in:1. speaking and writing standard English (including grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, capitalization)2. reading and evaluating fiction, poetry and drama5. comprehending and evaluating the content and artistic aspects of oral and visual presentations (such as story-telling, debates, lectures, multi-media productions)ScienceIn Science, students in Missouri public schools will acquire a solid foundation which includes knowledge of 7. processes of scientific inquiry (such as formulating and testing hypotheses)

Program Length
45 minutes

10/7/2008, 1/13/09 & 5/12/09
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM or 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME

Amy's Eggs-periments are being offered three times this year, in October, January and May. Each day has two sessions, the first for kindergarten students and the second session for 1st and 2nd graders. Each videoconference has a three school limit and we ask that group sizes remain 30 students or less.

Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees
Interactive Cost: $175.00

Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge

Program Fee Notes
New Links to New Learning members pay $135 per program and nonmembers pay $175.

Cancellation Policy
We will not charge for programs cancelled due to nature i.e. snow days. The full fee will be charged to sites which cancel with less than 48 hours notice.

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Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider
We prefer that schools dial into us or our bridge, but if necessary, we can dial out to them. If you are making a bridge connection, we require you to validate (make a test call) with our bridge prior to the actual videoconference.

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