Grades 4-8: Aarrr: The Pirate Life for Me

Program Flyer: Aarrr: The Pirate Life for Me
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Content Provider
The Mariners' Museum
Contact Information
Anne Marie Millar
100 Museum Drive
Newport News, VA 23606
United States
Phone: (757) 591-7748
Program Type
Individual Program
Program Rating
This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience
Education: Grade(s): 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Primary Disciplines
Performing Arts, Social Studies/History
Program Description
Avast ye landlubbers! Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day wi' this here educational an' entertainin' program. Join th' crew o' Capt. Hudson’s pirate ship as he searches fer buried booty. Durin' the'r quest, students will learn about th' life o' th' pirates includin' the'r tools, weapons, an' life aboard ship. This interactive program will also help students reckon th' difference between fictional an’ real pirates. Translation (for you landlubbers):Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day with this educational and entertaining program. Join the crew of Capt. Hudson’s pirate ship as he searches for buried treasure. During their quest, students will learn about the life of the pirates including their tools, weapons, and life aboard ship. This interactive program will also help students recognize the difference between fictional pirates and real pirates.
Program Format
Students will be introduced to the Golden Age of Piracy and meet "Capt. Hudson"Students will learn about the life of real pirates including their tools of navigation, weapons and life onboard ship.Students will use their newly acquired knowledge of navigation equipment and pirate weapons as they become part of Capt. Hudson's crew and search for pirate treasure.
The participant will:- explore the difference between fictional pirates and real pirates.- learn map skills- analyze information presented to solve problems- have fun while still learning

National Standards to which this program aligns
NSS-G.K-12.1 THE WORLD IN SPATIAL TERMS As a result of activities in grades K-12, all students should Understand how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective. Understand how to use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments in a spatial context. Understand how to analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments on Earth's surface. NSS-G.K-12.4 HUMAN SYSTEMS As a result of their activities in grades K-12, all students should Understand the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth's surface. Understand the patterns and networks of economic interdependence on Earth's surface. Understand the processes,patterns, and functions of human settlement. Understand how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface.NSS-USH.K-4.2 THE HISTORY OF STUDENTS' OWN STATE OR REGION Understands the people, events, problems, and ideas that were significant in creating the history of their state (Especially Virginia, North Carolina)NSS-USH.K-4.3 THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES: DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES AND VALUES AND THE PEOPLE FROM MANY CULTURES WHO CONTRIBUTED TO ITS CULTURAL, ECONOMIC, AND POLITICAL HERITAGE Understands the folklore and other cultural contributions from various regions of the United States and how they helped to form a national heritage NSS-USH.5-12.2 ERA 2: COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT (1585-1763) Understands why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies, and how Europeans struggled for control of North America and the Caribbean Understands how political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies Understands how the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies, and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the AmericasNSS-WH.5-12.6 ERA 6: THE EMERGENCE OF THE FIRST GLOBAL AGE, 1450-1770 The student in grades 5-12 should understand how the transoceanic interlinking of all major regions of the world from 1450 to 1600 led to global transformations. how European society experienced political, economic, and cultural transformations in an age of global intercommunication, 1450-1750. how large territorial empires dominated much of Eurasia between the 16th and 18th centuries. economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe, and the Americas,1500-1750. transformations in Asian societies in the era of European expansion. major global trends from 1450 to 1770.
Program Length
45 - 55 minute presentation
By Request
This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
This special interactive program is being offered for Talk Like a Pirate Day and will only be offered on September 19, 2008.
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $100.00Point to Point Cost: $100.00By Request/On Demand Cost: $100.00
Premium Service provices additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Cancellation Policy
Please cancel by Wednesday, Sept. 17 so those on a wait list may fill the vacated time slot.
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