Grades 8-12: Portrayals of Women on Television

Students will examine how portrayals of women on television have evolved from the 1950s to the present. This class encourages participants to think about women they admire and to compare them to these fictional portrayals.All classes are interactive, with guided discussion designed to encourage active observation and critical thinking.

Program Format
We will begin with a general discussion about women as positive role models, then present examples of very different television mothers from periods of TV history. If there is time, we will also examine famous women superheroes to see how such archetypes have changed over time.This program will be interactive. Please be prepared to call on students in the room to participate in discussion.

The participants will:
- explore changing roles of women as portrayed on American television from the early 50s to contemporary TV.
- explore different character types common on popular fictional American television.
- discuss and respond to gender roles and stereotypes often presented in popular American media culture.

Interactive Cost: $125.00

Paul Sargent
The Paley Center for Media
25 W. 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 621-6664
Fax: (212) 621-6765