Grades 7-12: The Role of Media in Elections

"The SPIN ZONE: The Role of Media in Elections"
Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2008Time: 10:00 and 11:00 AM EST Target Audience: students in grades 7-12Cost: $75 per site
Format: 45-minutes] a 30-minute presentation followed by 15-20 minute interactive Question and Answer session with studentsRegistration online at: Call administrative assistant, Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at


Meet Carol Swain, whose mission is to restore the hope of the American dream: that individuals can rise above the circumstances of their birth; that opposing groups can listen to each other and benefit from civil dialogue; and that ordinary people can have voice. For too many citizens, politics is a spectator sport rather than a participant game. The challenge for both the candidates and the news media is to find ways to stimulate more interest and deeper involvement in more voters. This videoconference will explore the front lines of the ongoing saga of the candidates who would be president and the media who cover their campaigns.This videoconference will discuss: 1. What is the most effective source of media for candidates (in convincing voters to vote for or against a candidate)? 2. What is the most useful source of media for voters?3. What are the key messages communicated in the current media? 4. Does media provide factual information or evoke an emotional response?5. What are the limitations of a 30 second commercial? 6.How important is a candidate's look in media? What type of image are candidates trying to create? 7.How can voters separate rhetoric from reality?8.How do negative "mudslinging" ads work? Why do candidates use them? To whom is a candidate trying to appeal with ?mudslinging? ads? 9.What elements does a bias include?10. What is the role of media in making sure that documents that are presented are not fraudulent?
SOITA Bob Stricker