Grades 5-12: Celebrate Earth Day

Celebrate EARTH DAY, 2008 with the Virtual School!
"Waste Not, Want Not: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Begins With YOU" April 22, 2008 Register online at
This year's Earth Day marks the 38th anniversary of the event that gave birth to the modern environmental movement. The day will be marked by events staged around the globe. Why not begin your celebration of Earth Day 2008 with a videoconference from the VANDERBILT VIRTUAL SCHOOL?
Read more about our presenter, Jennifer Hackett, at
To see a complete lesson plan for "Waste Not, Want Not: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Begins With YOU", click on

Presenter: Jennifer Hackett
Topic: "Waste Not, Want Not: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Begins With YOU"
Target Audience: Students in grades 5 -12
Date: April 22, 2008 (EARTH DAY, 2008)
Time: two sessions, 9:00 and 10:00 AM (CENTRAL time zone)
Format: 45 minutes (30-minute presentation and 15-20 minutes questions and answers)
Cost: $75 per site
Registration: Register online at
Questions: Chandra Allison, at (615) 322-6511 or email Chandra at
For many of today's students, recycling is a way of life. But that doesn't mean students understand why we recycle. More than ever, that's important for students to know! Teaching students how to help clean up the planet and live responsibly is not just an opportunity, but a necessity.
My grandmother and mother taught me "'use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". Living GREEN is an attitude, a lifestyle, and a choice to find and promote the best alternatives that support healthier home, school, business, and community environments.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling enables ALL students to get involved, regardless of their socioeconomic status or their abilities, and to have an equal opportunity to protect and feel good about the environment. Students can see the fruits of their efforts pay off in environmental protection.
Join Jennifer Hackett, Vanderbilt University Recycling Coordinator, as she challenges your students to take some specific actions that will change the way they buy, use, or dispose of their accumulations ("stuff") and that encourage society at large to be more environmentally responsible.
Register online at

Videotaping of Virtual School videoconferences is not allowed due to legal issues such as informed consent, jurisdiction, confidentiality, standards of practice, and supervision.
Patsy Partin, M.Ed
Director, Virtual School
Vanderbilt University
2007 Terrace Place
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-6384
