Grade 3-12 New Programs from Cincinnati Museum Center

Cincinnati Museum Center has several openings remaining for its Spring
2008 interactive videoconferences. This multidisciplinary museum has programs available in both social studies and science at an attractive fee schedule $15-$20 below the national average. All programs are available "on-demand" to fit your schedule and can be customized based on the specific needs of your teachers and students. You can register through or by calling School Reservations at 1-800-733-2077 x7021.

Social Studies
The Uneven Triangle: Trade with the New World, Grades 4-9, explore the triangle trade and its lasting impacts Bring Me Your Tired, Your Poor ..., Grades 3 -12, explore immigration and the immigrant experience North American Indians: Before European Contact, Grades 2-6, explore the tools and skills of early Native Americans Taming America's Inland Rivers: The Steamboat Era, Grades 2-8, first-person interpretation of traveling on a steamboat Civil War: The Borderlands, Grades 3-8, first-person interpretation of life as a Civil War soldier Pandemic!, Grades 6-12, look at disease pandemics and societal responses to them

Evolution 101, Grades 7-12, introduction to the forces of evolution and how we are affected everyday Walk in My Shoes: Paleontologist, Grades K-12, explore the tools of the trade and examine 150 million year old specimens Walk in My Shoes: Archaeologist, Grades K-6, see into the life of a scientist through objects and instruments from Cincinnati Museum Center's collections Handle with Care: Live Animals (Bats, Insects or Reptiles), Grades K-8, there is no better way to learn than with live animals (Tues/Thurs only)

Ice Age Geology, Grades 4-8, examine the rocks and geologic formations left behind following the ice age Pandemic!, Grades 6-12, look at disease pandemics and societal responses to them Three Centuries of Ecology, Grades 6-12, explore how the human view of the environment has changed over the past 300 years

More programs are listed at


Jason A. Dennison, Director
Department of Instructional Technology
Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45203 USA

tel: 1 513 763 2315
fax: 1 513 287 7095
toll free: 1 800 733 2077 x2315