Grades: K-12 Writing Dynamic:It's Your World

Writing Dynamic: It’s Your World
Content Provider

Adora Svitak
Contact Information

Adora Svitakjoyce@adorasvitak.com16643 NE 89th STRedmond, WA 98052United StatesPhone: (425) 882-1603
Program Type

Program Series
Program Rating

This program has not yet been evaluated.
Target Audience

Education: Grade(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Title One Coordinator, Teacher, Parent, Media Specialist/Librarian, K-12 Educator, Public Library: Library Patrons
Primary Disciplines

Best Practice, Character Education, Language Arts/English
Program Description

A lively, visual introduction to descriptive writing, It’s Your World invites students to explore the inspiring idea that writing is a place where they always get to make all of the important decisions and choices: it’s their world. Using visual examples, Adora introduces the basic precepts of descriptive writing and then guides students through several dynamic exercises. In addition to helping students develop standard skills, this program is an excellent way to spike the level of creativity in a classroom. A follow-up lesson, ‘Advanced Descriptive Writing’ is available by request.
Program Format

Example:1. Adora introduces herself, summarizing the way writing and publishing her first book at age seven changed her life.1. Adora introduces an example of writing that is not descriptive, and demonstrates how to transform it.2. Adora uses props to humorously introduce the basic elements of descriptive writing.3. Adora guides students through a descriptive writing exercise.4. Adora leads class discussion on the possible uses of descriptive writing, and introduces the idea that writing is a place where they get to call the shots.5. Questions and answers

As a result of this class, students will :1. develop standard descriptive writing skills.2. understand diverse applications for descriptive writing skills.3. have a greater sense of ownership over writing.
National Standards to which this program aligns

State Standards to which this program aligns

1. develop standard descriptive writing skills.2. understand diverse applications for descriptive writing skills.3. have a greater sense of ownership over writing.
Program Length

45-60 minutes
By Request

This program is available by request/on demand ONLY
Connection Type(s) Available and Program Fees

Interactive Cost: $75.00Interactive Cost for Premium Site Members: $65.00 What's this?View Only Cost: $45.00View Only Cost for Premium Site Members: $35.00 What's this?
Premium Members enjoy many additional benefits. Learn more!Receiving Site is responsible for own line charge
Cancellation Policy

No refund for cancellation. We will be giving back 50% credit towards the future session.
Is video taping allowed?

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Minimum Technology Specifications for sites connecting to this provider

School can dial to us or we can dial to the school.