Grades 9-12: Life Science Education Center at Marian College

In The News – Cloning and Stem Cell Research

In The News – Cloning and Stem Cell Research
Cloning is a hot topic in the news. This program will begin to help participants understand the science behind stem cell and cloning research. From there, participants will learn how scientists are using these principles to develop new procedures to improve the quality of life for humans.

Prior to all programs, a prepack is sent to the requesting educator.

US Grade: 9 10 11 12
Age: 15 16 17 18
Program Fee: $100
Program Length: 45 min

In The News - Genetically Modified Organisms

In The News - Genetically Modified Organisms
Humans have been genetically modifying organisms for years, but what does that really mean? This program will explain the science behind the term “genetically modified.” Further, participants will understand why scientists have developed modification techniques, how they are being used in the world today, and the effects on our daily and future lives.

Prior to all programs, a prepack is sent to the requesting educator.
US Grade: 9 10 11 12
Age: 15 16 17 18
Program Fee: $100
Program Length: 45 min