Grade 3-6: Wetland Ways

How would you describe a wetland? There is more than meets the eye! Why is it called a nursery? Why is it known as one of the most production ecosystems? We'll examine some water-loving plants typically found in wetlands to better understand how a wetland works. Why are plants so critical to a wetland? We'll use everyday objects to discover the important functions of a wetland for wildlife and humans. What can we do to care for it?

Program Format:

1. We begin by students suggesting what they think a wetland is.
2. We'll examine some pictures/models of 4 types of wetlands and discuss their characteristics while examining representative plants.
3. We'll use common household objects as metaphors to investigate for natural functions of wetlands.
4. We'll make simple predictions and inferences based on a wetland model.
5. We'll discuss how wetlands are important to wildlife and us and suggest ways that we can help restore and maintain this ecosystem.
6. We'll conclude with a question and answer session.

Participants will:

* explore and describe characteristics of wetlands.
* examine representative plants and discover their connection to wildlife.
* discover the functions of a wetland.
* demonstrate their understanding of the importance of wetlands to wildlife and humans.

Karin Davidson-Taylor
Royal Botanical Gardens
680 Plains Road West
Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7T 4H4