Grades 3-6: New Programs from The Mariners' Museum

Messages on the Waves by The Mariners' Museum
Ocean currents and tides affect our weather, travel at sea, and the movements of marine life. They can also have an effect on our ability to communicate. Explore the motion of the ocean as we examine the currents and tides, the factors that influence them, and how people have put them to use for commerce and communication.

Using several interactive activities, students will learn about the science of tides and currents, and how they have affected human history. Students will learn the patterns of several major currents, and practice their geography skills in the course of this program

Red Sky in the Morning, Sailors Take Warning by The Mariners' Museum

This science program explores the forces behind the development of hurricanes and tropical storms. Students will examine the history of these killer storms, learn how to track a hurricane, and participate in experiments and activities designed to aid their understanding of a hurricane and how it affects life on our coastal regions.

During the course of the program, students will identify myths and facts about weather lore, learn about how to create a hurricane plan for their family, and make their own barometer.

Stacy Hasselbacher
100 Museum Drive
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 591-7748